Should I get my hearing tested?
Should I get my hearing tested?
Often, people are on the fence about whether they should get their hearing tested. Sometimes, people may feel embarrassed or unsure about what to expect.
Hearing loss is a common condition affecting more than 1.5 billion people worldwide. Hearing loss can also be diagnosed at any stage, from early childhood to our elderly years.
Do you:
- Often, ask others to repeat themselves.
- Turn up your TV or radio louder than others prefer?
- Need help understanding conversations when there is background noise?
- Find people are mumbling in conversation?
- Need help with following conversations?
- Find it challenging to identify which direction a sound comes from.
- You find you need to turn your ear to hear a conversation.
You could benefit from a free hearing consultation if you answered yes to some or any of the above questions. An Audiologist can advise you on why you might struggle with your hearing.
The first step is to find a hearing clinic close to you.
If you cannot attend one of our clinics, in most cases, we can provide you with free home visits.
The appointment will begin with a chat about your hearing and any concerns you may have.
The Audiologist will examine your ear canals with a small torch called an Otoscope. This will allow the Audiologist to examine the ear drum and ear canal to identify any blockages causing hearing loss.
The Audiologist will then conduct a comprehensive hearing test. The test begins with placing a set of soundproof headphones to cancel an exterior noise.
Secondly, the Audiologist will give you a button to push once you hear the sound. A series of low and high-pitch sounds are played to test your ability to hear at these frequencies.
Once the hearing test is complete, your hearing test results are plotted on a graph. This graph is called an Audiogram.
The Audiogram will allow the Audiologist to diagnose:
- If hearing loss is present
- What type of hearing loss is present
- Frequency or pitch
- If there is loss, the level of severity of the loss
- If you are a suitable candidate for a hearing aid or if there is a medical condition causing your loss.
Once the Audiologist has diagnosed your hearing, they can explain the results of your Audiogram and answer any of your questions.
If no hearing loss is diagnosed, the Audiologist may suggest a retest in 12 -24 months, depending on your Audiogram.
If the Audiologist feels you may be a suitable candidate for a hearing aid. They will explain the benefits and how the hearing aid may help you. You can try on a hearing aid to experience how it feels to wear a hearing aid. Remember, hearing aids are lighter and more discrete than ever before!
Our Audiologists can also provide you with a copy of your Audiogram and information about your results.