Dublin hearing clincs
We have 5 clinics located in Dublin which provide full Audiology services. Our Audiologist, Lauren, Clodagh, Katie & Lynn can provide consultations and our free hearing test. If you are unable to visit our Dublin clinics our Audiologists can visit your home or nursing home. Our Audiologists can offer demonstrations of our Widex & Unitron hearing aids. Our Audiologists can explain the benefits of each model & the features they include. Our Audiologists can also provide a PRSI grant check allowing you to save up to €1,000 0ff any pair of hearing aids.
Churchtown - Fiacla Dental Clinic
Raheny - Raheny Optics
Shankhill - Rathmichael Clinic
Swords - Boroimhe Medical
Free Home Visits
Rathmichael Clinic
Old Bray Road Shankill,
Visit Clinic Page
Dublin 18,
D18 DK65 -
Blackberry Hearing Churchtown
1st Floor,
Visit Clinic Page
3, Landscape Road,
Dublin 14,
D14 WC65 -
Raheny Optics
Skillings House,
Visit Clinic Page
Raheny Shopping Centre,
Howth Road,
Dublin 5,
D05 R2N2 -
Blackberry Hearing Northwood
Blackberry Hearing,
Visit Clinic Page
Block A, Unit 2,
Blackwood Court,
Northwood Avenue,
Dublin 9,
D09 N97V -
Boroimhe Medical
Centric Health,
Visit Clinic Page
Forest Road,
Fosterstown North,
Co. Dublin
K67 E9K0
Free hearing test in Dublin
- Book in to any of our 5 clinics
- Free home visits In Dublin
- We discuss your hearing concerns
- Conduct a free hearing test
- Discuss your Audiogram & results
Start your path to better hearing