Kerry Hearing Clinics
We have 3 clinics located in Kerry which provide full Audiology services. Our clinics are located in Killarney, Tralee and Listowel. Our Audiologist Una Maguire can provide consultations and our free hearing test. You can also try on our latest range of hearing aids with our Audiologist. If you are unable to visit our Kerry clinics our Audiologists can visit your home or nursing home. Una is also a fluent Irish speaker and is a frequent visitor to the Gaeltacht region.
Killarney - Urban optics
Tralee Medical centre
Listowel Physiotherapy Clinic
Free Home Visits
Free Hearing Tests
Hearing Aid Demos
Urban Optics
Scott Street,
Visit Clinic Page
Co. Kerry
V93 R289 -
Tralee Medical Centre
St Brendan's Park,
Visit Clinic Page
Co. Kerry
V92 D96H -
Listowel Physiotherapy Clinic
97 Church Street,
Visit Clinic Page
Co. Kerry
V31 TP83
Free hearing test in Kerry
- Book in to any of our 3 clinics
- We discuss your hearing concerns
- Physical examination of the ears
- Conduct a pure tone hearing test
- Discuss your Audiogram & results
- Answer any questions you may have
Start your path to better hearing