Wexford Hearing Clinics

We have 3 clinics located in Dublin which provide full Audiology services. Our clinics are located in

  • Gorey
  • Wexford Town
  • Gorey Town

Our Audiologist Rita can provide consultations and our free hearing test. If you are unable to visit our Wexford clinics our Audiologists can visit your home or nursing home. Our Audiologists can offer demonstrations of our Widex & Unitron hearing aids. Our Audiologists can explain the benefits of each model & the features they include. Our Audiologists can also provide a PRSI grant check allowing you to save up to €1,000 0ff any pair of hearing aids.

  • Wexford

    Whitemill Medical Centre

    Whitemill Medical Centre,
    White Mill Road,
    Whitemill North,
    Co. Wexford
    Y35 XOWX

    Visit Clinic Page
  • Gorey

    Physio Solutions Gorey

    Fort Road,
    Corporation Lands,
    Co. Wexford
    Y25 XK12

    Visit Clinic Page
  • Gorey town

    Gorey Family Eyecare

    4 Mcdermott Street
    Y25 C3KO

    Visit Clinic Page